Dorot, a food brand that produces pre-portioned fresh garlic and herbs, wanted to drive audiences to their newly designed website and encourage new consumers to try their product. Over 60 Linqia influencers with an interest in cooking were invited to purchase Dorot products from their local Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods stores then craft blog stories around Dorot’s time-saving benefits while simultaneously incorporating their in-store experience into original recipes.

What resulted were incredible insights that revealed the elements of the picture perfect food post as well as a massive content library for Dorot to use in the future. With recipes ranging from pastas to smoothies to cookies, our influencers showcased diverse uses for this product all while engaging their audiences to learn more and purchase Dorot for themselves.

Dorot’s Top 3 Performance Strategies:

  • Include text overlay on photos. Trying to increase your Pinterest traffic? Try adding text overlay and a pin-it widget to the images in your next Linqia blog story! Rini from Healing Tomato was one of the top performers for blog engagements through her use of vertical photos and text overlay. The combination of text overlay and a pin-it widget on all of her photos made the sharing of her content as easy as one click! Through all of these optimizations, she drove 3.3x more engagement than the program average.
  • Create a step-by-step video. Whip up a video for your next food program and watch the engagements roll in! Jacqueline from Go Go Go Gourmet created a video and inspired 3.4x more Facebook engagement than the program’s average. Creating video is an excellent way to draw traffic to your blog story and to creatively showcase step-by-step elements of your recipe posts.
  • Craft a well-organized blog story. A key insight of this program was the efficacy of a well-organized blog story. The main link between top performers on this program was their use of a flexible story structure which included core elements to not only grab their readers attention, but also inspire their audiences to learn more! Each of the stories followed this format:
    • Use Case: Influencers introduced their recipe.
    • What: Influencers introduced Dorot as a product and gave context about their brand.
    • Why: Influencers highlighted the plethora of benefits Dorot has to offer.
    • Where: Influencers told their audience where they purchased Dorot and included in-store photography.
    • Coupon: Influencers wrapped up their post by inspiring their audiences to redeem a coupon and try Dorot in their own homes.

Aside from recipe content, the other key component of this program was in-store content. Below are some of our favorites!

Pink Pistachio


Oishii Moments


Self Proclaimed Foodie


Want to rock your next food program? Take these tips from our program with Dorot and use them to boost your engagement and creativity for future programs!